I guess, having a restaurant with friends is a good way to test friendship. The universe has unusual ways of sending messages. After a few sad episodes, where the words money and fear play stellar roles, I will be bought out of 317 Aztec. That is not a place for me. And I believe I am being saved from something. It is time to move on.
On the good side of life, I might be able to donate 20 or 30 laptops to two organizations in Paraguay that work with children. One of them helps children with HIV/AIDS; the other with homeless children. There are bigger things than the "kitchen confidential" side of life. Human dignity and courage.
Nothing just shapes easily from nothing into a finished entity, whatever it may be. BETWEEN LIFETIMES started out as a short script for a short film and has since evolved into a full feature length screenplay. This is its story.
Welcome to our story
I started writing BETWEEN LIFETIMES in 2006. My son Lucas would sleep behind me as I typed away. I based the child's character on Lucas. My intention was to complete the script quickly, so I could cast Lucas as that child. As the script grew, so did Lucas.
Flash forward. It's 2012. Lucas is at least half a foot taller than me. The story came into its own after more than a few re-writes, and now I find myself on a roller coaster ride of ups and downs in an attempt to bring BEWTWEEN LIFETIMES to the big screen.
Carrie Clark , Lauri Hakola, and I (Antonio Weiss) are preparing to go film in Paraguay south America, in the next few months. BETWEEN LIFETIMES has become EL RIO DE LAS VIDAS, as it was translated in Spanish to adapt it to the culture and languages of Paraguay (Spanish and Guarani)
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