BTW still

Welcome to our story

I started writing BETWEEN LIFETIMES in 2006. My son Lucas would sleep behind me as I typed away. I based the child's character on Lucas. My intention was to complete the script quickly, so I could cast Lucas as that child. As the script grew, so did Lucas.

Flash forward. It's 2012. Lucas is at least half a foot taller than me. The story came into its own after more than a few re-writes, and now I find myself on a roller coaster ride of ups and downs in an attempt to bring BEWTWEEN LIFETIMES to the big screen.

Carrie Clark , Lauri Hakola, and I (Antonio Weiss) are preparing to go film in Paraguay south America, in the next few months. BETWEEN LIFETIMES has become EL RIO DE LAS VIDAS, as it was translated in Spanish to adapt it to the culture and languages of Paraguay (Spanish and Guarani)

Thursday, July 28, 2011


By 2009 I found myself a little discouraged from trying to get BETWEEN LIFETIMES funded, and after a few rejections, this interesting French Lady, Philippine, showed up in my life and we headed off to Sayulita, Mexico, thirty miles north of Puerto Vallarta, where we spent a good part of 2009 and some of 2010. But Mexico by the Pacific ocean, as wonderful as it can feel, was not for me. After months, it can feel like a "one-way ticket to Palookaville". The mountains speak their own language, very foreign to skyscrapers. And the sea wants to be quiet. It only understands its own roar.  Lucas lived in Santa Fe with his mom, so I had to come back and forth. Also my friends Mary and Marie who may as well be family to me, live in Santa Fe, and of course Lauri Hakola, my business partner, friend and Director of Photography, and chosen brother. This traveling back and forth proved to be too hard. Eventually, both Philippine and I had to come back; I for Lucas and she, for her son, Sage.

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